2nd Eurasian Actuarial Congress EAC-2024, Kazakhstan, Almaty, November 21 and 22, Dostyk Hotel. Book Your seats online. For Quotation #WhatsApp +91 8697669523
Dear Colleagues! We are pleased to invite you and your company to participate in the Second Eurasian Actuarial Congress, which will be held on November 21-22, 2024 at the Dostyk Hotel, Kurmangazy Street, Building 36, Almaty, Kazakhstan. This event serves as an international platform for dialogue between financial market regulators, actuarial communities and financial market participants. The Congress will be attended by representatives of pension and insurance market regulators, actuaries, as well as representatives of product development departments and financial solutions of non-state pension funds and insurance companies from the countries of the Euro-Asian continent. For Indian Representative on their behalf, Please do contact Mr. Ranadeb Singha whose email id is : findtutoronline.net@gmail.com or you can whatsApp at : +91 8697669523 for any questions or clarifications. Sincerely, Marina Shchuklinova Head Organizer commitee,Australia Email : mvshchuk@gmail.com Phone No: +61...