2nd Eurasian Actuarial Congress EAC-2024, Kazakhstan, Almaty, November 21 and 22, Dostyk Hotel. Book Your seats online. For Quotation #WhatsApp +91 8697669523

Dear Colleagues! We are pleased to invite you and your company to participate in the Second Eurasian Actuarial Congress, which will be held on November 21-22, 2024 at the Dostyk Hotel, Kurmangazy Street, Building 36, Almaty, Kazakhstan. This event serves as an international platform for dialogue between financial market regulators, actuarial communities and financial market participants. The Congress will be attended by representatives of pension and insurance market regulators, actuaries, as well as representatives of product development departments and financial solutions of non-state pension funds and insurance companies from the countries of the Euro-Asian continent. For Indian Representative on their behalf, Please do contact Mr. Ranadeb Singha whose email id is : findtutoronline.net@gmail.com or you can whatsApp at : +91 8697669523 for any questions or clarifications. Sincerely, Marina Shchuklinova Head Organizer commitee,Australia Email : mvshchuk@gmail.com Phone No: +61 414 852 808 2nd OPEN EURASIAN ACTUARIAL CONGRESS https://eak.actuarial.events/eac-2024/ November 21-22, 2024, Dostyk Hotel, 36 Kurmangazy St., Almaty, Kazakhstan Mission: The mission of the Eurasian Actuarial Congress is to create a global platform for professionals dedicated to enhancing their knowledge and skills through international exchange and collaboration. We bring together actuaries, quants, risk managers, analysts, and experts in fintech, compliance, and cybersecurity to address the pressing issues and challenges facing the financial industry. The Congress aims to foster innovation, develop quantitative analysis and project modeling using modern financial technologies, and elevate professional practices and regulatory frameworks across various countries. Ultimately, we strive to harmonize and stabilize the financial market, ensuring its sustainable development in line with ESG principles. PROGRAM Day 1: November 21, 2024 Session 1: International Cooperation and Development Vectors of Actuarial Activities. • Importance of Interdisciplinary Interaction: The impact of modern financial technologies. • Regulatory Requirements and Changes in the Regulatory Framework in Different Countries: Influence on actuarial activities. • Impact of the 2024 BRICS Summit Results on Actuarial Activities. • Value of International Experience Exchange and Professional Development: o Actuaries (assessment of liabilities and financial flows) o Quants (assessment of assets and financial flows) o Risk Managers (risk assessment) o Financial and Investment Data Analysts • Importance of Innovation and Development of Modern Financial Technologies in Insurance, Pension Provision, Banking, and Investments, Including Compliance and Cybersecurity. Session 2: International Reporting and the Practice of Applying IFRS 17 and Solvency II • Special Role of Quantitative Analysis and Modeling in Ensuring Sustainable Development: o The impact of ESG principles on the formation of international reporting: ▪ Consideration of environmental, social, and governance aspects. ▪ Assessment and accounting for risks related to climate change and social demands. ▪ Adaptation of reporting methods considering asset selection and management, including investments and reserves. o Assessment and Management of Catastrophic Risks in Modern Conditions: ▪ Floods, inundations, earthquakes, and their impact on company reporting and activities. ▪ Examples of significant catastrophic events and their effects on companies and the economy as a whole. ▪ Overview of models used in insurance and reinsurance. Session 3: Digital Transformation in Risk Management: Machine Learning, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence in Quantitative Analysis • Importance of Digital Transformation for Risk Management • Impact of Machine Learning, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence on Risk Management • Cases of Successful Use of Innovative Approaches and Technologies for Risk Identification and Assessment Day 2: November 22, 2024 Session 4: The Future of Reinsurance in the Eurasian Region: Export Credits, Catastrophic, and Other Complex Risks • Issues in Reinsurance of Export Credits • Role of the Eurasian Reinsurance Company in the Development of Reinsurance • Management of Catastrophic and Complex Risks in Reinsurance • Future Prospects for Reinsurance Development Session 5: Advanced Methods of Comprehensive Modeling and Quantitative Risk Analysis in Strategically Important Sectors of the Economy • Insurance in Construction and Agricultural Insurance • Financial Risk Insurance • Risk Management in the Banking System • Cyber Risk Insurance and Risk Management in the IT Sector • Financial Implications of Cyber Attacks and the Role of Insurance Session 6: Advanced Methods of Comprehensive Modeling and Quantitative Risk Analysis in Healthcare, Medical Insurance, and Pension Provision • Assessment of State Pension Obligations • Financial Risks and Insurance in the Context of Pandemics During the Conference with Access to Video Materials: • Training on IFRS 17 and Solvency II • Training in Quantitative Analysis and Modeling • Training on Key Tools in Compliance and Cybersecurity • Project-Based Learning Invitation to Participate: • Representatives of Regulators: Insurance, pension, and investment markets, central banks, financial monitoring and control services. • Public Chamber of the Eurasian Economic Union (Chairman) • Eurasian Reinsurance Company (CEO) • Representative of the Eurasian Economic Commission • Reinsurance Companies and Export Credit Agencies (Executives) • Insurance Companies, Pension and Investment Funds, Asset Management Companies (Executives) • International Social Security Association (Representative) • Actuarial Associations and Societies (Executives and Members) • Associations of Insurers, Pension Funds, Asset Management Companies (Executives and Members) • FinTech Associations and Rating Agencies (Executives) • Top Managers of Insurance Companies, Pension Funds, Investment Funds, Banks, Financial Brokers, and Consulting Companies • Actuaries, Quants, Data Analysts, Risk Managers, Auditors, Accountants, Financial Experts, Consultants • Companies Offering IT Solutions for the Financial Market Professionals from Various Countries Will Participate in the Congress: • Russia, Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Algeria, Switzerland, Brazil, Bulgaria, India, China, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, and others. Format: The Open Eurasian Actuarial Congress will be held in-person and online, in both Russian and English, with simultaneous translation. For conference participants, coffee breaks, lunch, a cocktail reception, and a networking platform are organized. The cost of participation: Actuaries and SRO: 480 $ Participants: 510 $ Online x1: from 450 $ Online x6: from 1 860 $ Special Rates for Congress Participants at the Dostyk Hotel 5*: • Standard Room – 52,200 KZT • Junior Suite – 56,700 KZT • Suite – 66,600 KZT • Additional Person – 11,200 KZT, including VAT The above prices include VAT, breakfast, and access to the SPA center. consult@actuarial.events +61 (414) 852-808 https://eak.actuarial.events/eac-2024/ https://eak.actuarial.events/eac-2024/ Interested Participants can use the Promotion code “India 24” while registering the same. we are their Indian counterparts. Please do email us at : ranadeb.singha@gmail.com for any Inquiries or questions or clarifications. Keywords : #Actuary tutors #Actuary Australia #Actuary India #Actuary Exam #Actuary Dubai #Actuary Switzerland #Actuary Brazil #Actuary Kazakhstan #Actuary Spain #Actuary Exam tutors #findtutoronline.net Tags: Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, France, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Belarus, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan


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